SSANT2021 Summer School in analytic number theory


28 June - 2 July 2021 Paris (France)

Classroom 1016, Bâtiment Sophie Germain, Université de Paris



Registration deadline :  for online participation only


  • Sary Drappeau (IML, Université de Marseille)
  • Adam Harper (Warwick University, UK)
  • James Maynard (Oxford University, UK)
  • Maksym Radziwiłł (Caltech University, USA)
  • Sarah Peluse (IAS, Princeton University, USA)


Scientific committee :

Organizers :

  • Régis De la Bretèche (Professeur UP, UMR 7586 IMJ-PRG)
  • Cécile Dartyge (MCF Université de Lorraine, UMR7502 IECL)
  • Daniel Fiorilli (CR CNRS, UMR8628 LM0)
  • Harald Helfgott (DR CNRS et Professeur à Goettingen)
  • Emmanuel Kowalski (Professeur ETH Zurich (Suisse))


  • Régis De la Bretèche (UP)
  • Gaëlle Callouard (CNRS)
  • Nadine Fournaiseau (CNRS)
  • Cathy Swaenepoel (UP)


Accomodation can be provided by the organization (between June 27th and July 03rd) but travel and meals are at the expense of the participants.

Persons coming from non european country will be subject to a 7-day isolation period which cannot be covered by the organisation. In addition an RT-PCR test less than 72 hours old is required to enter France.


This information is subject to change as the health crisis and restrictions imposed in France evolve. It will be updated regularly.


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